Our Programmes


Our skill acquisition programme aimed at minimizing the influx of refugees in various Refugee camps in Africa has been a pet project of African Peace Foundation since inception.  This training programme was carried out in  refugee camps in Ghana, Ethiopia, Sudan, Niger Republic, Uganda, Nigeria (Oru Camp in Ogun State) etc.


Our WORLD PEACE CONFERENCE is yearly organized in Africa from one country to the other as an academic research confab that is aimed at producing a blue print for stability, economic development, democratic sustainability and Universal Culture for Peace and Development. Some of the countries we had organized so far are South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Benin Republic, Togo, Mali, Bukina Faso, Cameroun and Nigeria etc.


To propose this multi-dimensional programme to curb violent conflicts and electoral violence in the political feature of Nigeria, African Peace Foundation, as an organization established and based in Nigeria though, with five regional offices outside Nigeria knows all about electoral manipulations, political genderism, political propaganda and electoral violence not only in Nigeria but in most part of Africa. It would be over emphasized to state that our affiliates and members who have been in Continent for decades and participated in elections and electoral processes and observations several times, understands clearly the problems of the political class of African people that causes the problem which culminates into violence, unfair, un-free and rigging all the time. It is a study of many decades by our expert researchers which spanned through many regimes in order to identify the remote and immediate causes of electoral violence.


The position of African Peace Foundation in the present age is to create an effort not just to unify Africa but to ensure that we learn and understand what peace is all about in our existence and why we must imbibe the culture of peace.  The continent of Africa in this present age therefore, as a land full of conflict, crisis and wars especially from the last four decades “instead of a land full of milk and honey with great potentials” necessitates the call for a world peace summit and call for the participation of all. For the execution of this programme to the acceptability of the entire world in each of the African countries to transform on the purpose of offering solution to bring about peace and stability for peaceful co-existence and national development among the nations of Africa, with  the people and their neighbors in peace reality.


  In our strategy to resolve impending conflicts, African Peace Foundation since 2004 has been running a mediation programme on Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) titled: “The Mediators”.  On this forum, issues on peace and conflict resolutions are discussed.  This is in addition to a jingle running on air to condemn violence and promote peace.  The airing of this jingle on radio, we expanded and aired from one country to the other from 2011.


Against the background of the incessant outcry over the gross violation of human right and injustice that evidently seems to be prevalent in our societies today and the sad inaccessibility to human right justice, the African Peace Foundation packaged a peace resolutely program titled “THE BENCHERS” on a television as a way of demonstrating its unflinching commitment towards finding a lasting solution to the backlog of unresolved cases – that has now posed a cog in the flow of human relationship.

The Benchers is a team of professional peace resolutely group put together for a television programme with the mandate of permanently resolving contentious issues, conflict and clash of interest and at the same time opening a new chapter of brimming new lease of life in the inter-personal relationship of clashing individuals, institution or co-operate bodies.

The idea behind THE BENCHERS is borne out of the deep desire to bring about a new order where equity, justice and rule of law reign supremely. Ours, though crave for a generational change yet is a society ridden with gross human right violation, injustice and corruption.  The sad result of course is that our prison is today jam-packed with people who are suffering as a result of un-addressed cases, delay in judicial process, injustice and human right violation.  The continuous hike in legal services has gone beyond the common man’s reach.  Thus, many have been forced to live in a society where jungle justice seems to be the new order.  In an attempt to address this imbroglio, the management of African Peace Foundation deem it worthwhile to air THEBENCHERS live for public viewing as a way of ushering a new dawn where access to justice for all Nigerians is no more an Utopian concept.


In pursuance of the programme frame work of African Peace Foundation in line with the constitution, having for  many years concentrated in the established of  numerous Peace conferences, seminars,  workshops, lectures, symposia, for a and peace meetings, it was  realized that only the elites are the beneficiaries, whereas the down trodden are manipulated by the same elites, enslaved, and used for electoral manipulation, opposition assassinations, hooliganism, kidnapping and taking hostage and  make them become restive youth sand militancy, causing trouble all over the nation, snatching ballot boxes and over turn electoral results. Therefore, the foundation resulted to the establishment of African peace Institute that will be concentrated to train the less privileged youths.

However, African Peace Institute is a conventional school devoted to excellence in education and to bridge the gap between youths and university admission. The Institute however is established to provide hope for the hopeless and help the society create solution to over one million youths dropping-out of university’s admission criteria on yearly basis. In addition, the institute will create the medium that will gradually impact peace into our society in line with Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nation.